Reduce. reuse. Recycle.
My mixed media collages are upcycling art at the highest level, because change is necessary. Used materials form the basis for my artworks because a sustainable way of life is important to me and it is the right way for everyone in the future. I want to encourage people to change their perspective on familiar things and situations and to consider alternatives. A sustainable lifestyle does not have to be implemented radically and mean giving up everything. It is a process that everyone can start at their own level and that will ultimately enrich all our lives.

The big picture
The technique of collaging enables me to create large-format works of art from old business cards and other waste paper. The possibilities are manifold and that is exactly what I want to illustrate with my art.

For many years, I designed the waste paper with rust, metal and acrylic paint and used it to create abstract collages. Nature, with its multifaceted play of colours and textures, was always my source of inspiration. However, I was unable to convey my core theme of sustainability impressively enough, which is why I decided to drastically change my motifs from abstract to figurative in mid-2023.
The new works show decaying buildings that have been reclaimed by nature. Through these motifs, I want to make us all aware of the fragile beauty of natural and man-made creations. The interplay can work, because nature and man are resilient and adaptable, but it must happen in harmony and not in discord.
The material-related tiling of the motifs plays a central role here: the complete picture only emerges from the combination of all parts. Each element is important for the interplay, but is meaningless on its own.

Jackson Miller
interior designer // owner
Jackson Miller